I love to give cute little gifts to my neighbors, mailman, etc. at Christmas time but being on a budget tenders to hinder my GRANDIOS ideas. I got this idea from my SIL A. She gave this gifts in her singles ward and I loved the idea. You take a simple box of store bought candies, wrap it, decorate it, and Ta da! An inexpensive gift!
1. Take your store bought candy (mine was $1. SCORE!) and wrap it in white tissue paper.

2.Put a small line of hot glue on the edge of the hat fabric (I used felt but you can use anything) and glue the other edge to it.

3.Glue the hat to the wrapped box.

4.Take another small strip of fabric and glue it around the box about 1 1/2-2 inches down from the hat.

5.I then took embrodery floss (it was right there since I'm working on another project but you can use regular thread too) and needle and sewed a running stitch parallel to the top of the box.

6.It wasn't tight enough for my liking so I wrapped the floss around the stitching and tied a knot.

7.Then I cut 1/2 inch strips in the fabric to make a hat.

8.With a preminate marker, I drew on a face and buttons. When the hubby came home from work and saw what I made he announce that it needed a carrot nose so I'll cut small orange triangle out of felt and glue that on too.
I hope you like this easy gift and if your one of my neighbors, watch out! You might get this soon!
So Cute Jess! I love the idea!